Dimensional Weights made easy!

What does the term ‘Dimensional Weight’ mean and why is it relevant for pricing orders accurately? The initial and most natural instinct to calculate the shipping cost for an order is pricing it proportional to the actual, gravitational…

ShipBlink’s Rate Calculation Methods – Dimensional vs Actual Weights

⭐️ Automatically assign boxes to Order items based on their Dimensional Weight or Actual Weight. ⭐️ Split Orders into multi-box shipments with a single click. Most of the orders placed with your store might contain multiple items each,…

How ShipBlink’s AI-based Auto-Parcel Assignment Algorithm works?

🚨Dimensional Weights made easy! Every Order has multiple items ShipBlink calculates how the order is to be packed and queries UPS, FedEx, USPS, DHL, and 100+ Carers using the weight and dimensions of the box (or boxes) you will ship the…